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Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Creative Space

Haven't had chance to take any picks of my Christmas items so thought I would show you what I had made for my son to wear at a wedding we all went to.

I got the fabric from Thea who kindly let me buy some of her linen before she printed on it, I also have some printed fabric & will show you soon what I will be creating with that.  Thea has just been featured in January's edition of House Beautiful so please go get a copy I'm of to get mine today!!

Perfect fit on the shorts he is such a dot we always have trouble finding a size were the waist  doesn't fall down bless him!!

And here he is arr get up off that floor tee hee, well what can you do he is a boy & had the best time,  any one who has a boy knows what they get up to.

It lasted the day, no seams coming undone, no buttons I covered fell off, a result & I thought a handsome one at that, well I am his mum so I can be biased can't I ???

I will be making some sizes to put up on my made it site in the new year so keep a look out,  or e-mail me your size so I can get one made up for you.

Ps I know my creative space is having a break till next year for the links but I thought I would do my own little one today :))

Lainey :)

Images:  Calico Child


  1. That fabric is just gorgeous isn't it? Looks smart yet comfortable. As always I am very impressed with your sewing skills!

  2. He's gorgeous! It's important for kids to feel comfortable with what they wear. Have a fabulous weekend ahead, Kellie xx

  3. Oh such a great outfit, beautiful work!! Love Posie

  4. Hi Dear Elaine
    Well your boy looks like a little angel in his beautiful new suit of linen.. You clever girl.. I really like that it is dressy.. yet casual and fun.. I suspect your boy likes it that it is comfortable.. and his pants don't fall down. hehe

    Well.. that linen is gorgeous.. and congrats to Thea.. I must pop over her way..I'm so behind in visiting people these days..

    Have a lovely xmas and thanks for popping in.. ciao xxx Julie

  5. Wow!!! Impressive!!!

    I just want to thank you for your comments, my friend. It's always so nice to hear from you! And wow! You guys go to the beach on Christmas? How fun! I wish I was in Australia too!!! :-)


    Luciane at


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