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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just a little something

Spring is not to far off so thought I would make some fabric flowers they turned out really well just got to decide what to create with them, headband, or a cushion? Ooh let me think!!!

Will get the light bulb going & think of something unless you have any ideas?

Never made booties before so pleased how they turned out I think I will call them Bootylicious.

Have a great week what ever you have planed, I'm getting ready for the in laws to stay for 5 weeks so busy sorting out the house, we are all so looking forward to their visit.  

Might not get chance to blog too much in September but will try & squeeze some post's in.

Lainey :) x


  1. Oh those booties are just adorable! Love the dots!

  2. These are wonderful - you are quite the talented seamstress!

    I like the idea of the flowers on a cushion, but that could just be because I don't wear headbands! They'd also look lovely on a clutch or some other sort of cute bag? Or maybe as oversized brooches?

  3. How adorable! Definitely bootylicious! Enjoy the fabulous day, Kellie xx

  4. They are just so sweet...very spring like!


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